Help geometry with respect to points or cursor position

You are here: General functions > Help geometry > With respect to snap point or cursor position

Group of geometric features and characters that are visible on the screen only. Help geometry will not be printed or exported. Use these functions to determine, for example, an intersection or to define a reference point.The various functions are divided into three different groups.

Vertical Help Line

The function creates a vertical help line through the cursor position.

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Horizontal Help Line

The function creates a horizontal help line through the cursor position.

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Help Line from Angle

This function creates a help line through the cursor position and asks for the inclination angle.

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Help Line as Tangent to Arc

The function creates a help line from the cursor position tangent to a circle or arc that needs to be selected.

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Draw Help Line from This Point

The function creates a help line through the current cursor position and a point that needs to be determined .

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Help Circle from Two Additional Points

The function draws a circle at the cursor position and two further points to be determined /.

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Help Circle from Point and Radius

The function draws a circle through the cursor position and another point that needs to be determined . The radius of the circle is queried.

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Distance as Radius

The function draws a circle around the cursor position. You can enter the radius or define it by clicking .

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Construct Circle Bounded by Geometry

The function creates a circle tangent between the selected geometric figure (e.g. between intersecting lines).

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Help Points between This and Next Point

The function divides the section in equal length sections between the cursor position and another point to be determined.

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