Develop ventilation design

This chapter describes the ventilation aspects involved in preparing the building model. In the initial situation, it contains all storeys and rooms as well as roof, doors and windows. Use of the rooms is defined.


For the described actions, open a model of the discipline Lüftung.

Divide the building

When planning a ventilation system, you must mark as a single unit all those rooms which are to be part of the sphere of influence of the respective system. DDS‑CAD requires this grouping for the calculation of the volumetric flow rates.

Initial situation: Building = Building Entity = Ventilation zone

The entire building is considered to be a building entity as long as none have been defined separately. A building entity is automatically considered one ventilation zone as long as no separate ventilation zones have been defined.

A further subdivision is necessary in one of these cases:


  1. If the building consists of more than one building entity, these can be defined with the function  Building Zones.

  2. If a building entity consists of more than one ventilation zone, these can be defined with the function  Zones.

Define ventilation system

You can assign a technical system to each ventilation zone. The type of the system determines the calculation of the air flow rates in the ventilation zone.


Check Ventilation type parameter for rooms.

The  Ventilation type parameter defines the behavior of a room in terms of ventilation and influences the distribution of the air flow rates in the building. Ensure that the settings are correct for all rooms.


Volume flow rates of the rooms

The procedure is determined by the ventilation system selected.