Electrical - KNX

KNX in the distributor

The topic KNX has been redesigned. The changes in the distributor structure concern the selection and configuration of circuits. The are considered in its specific aspects here:

Depending on the view mode or the function of a sheet, a KNX component is represented by several types of symbols. All types of symbols monitor each other's positions and are cross-references to the installation locations. In principle, all types of symbols selected manually as single symbol via the function KNX systems.

The block symbol represents all channels of the KNX component in a single symbol. It is most often used as part of a KNX circuit layout in single line or multi line representation.

A single channel symbol is selected solely via the function"KNX systems" and manually inserted as a single symbol. This way you can place the functional elements of a KNX component separately at any position. Use this symbol type for developing special circuits that cannot be mapped using a KNX circuit layout.

The overview symbol is to be used on the sheet KNX overview modular devices and provided as part of a KNX circuit layout. It symbolizes a KNX component that is mounted as a rail mounted device in the distributor.