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Waste water

The waste water calculation is more flexible and provides more information to advanced users in DDS-CAD 11.

More flexibility through differentiated settings for the frequency factor

The frequency factor (K) is a parameter, which greatly influences the dimensioning of waste water pipe networks. In the past, you could only define the frequency factor globally for the entire project. The right configuration for multi purpose buildings (e.g. Hotel plus shopping and living) could therefore be problematic.

DDS‑CAD 11 replaces the single global project factor with a differentiated configuration available for each calculation point. This way you can design and calculate sub networks with different frequency factors within a single project.

More detailed calculation results

The new waste water calculation in DDS-CAD calculates and documents important parameters of the waste water network in accordance with the EN 12056:

These values appear in the waste water pipe network table and also in the report templates. In the model, you can show these values in your part text labels.







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