Building model – Content and goals of the chapters

The building model is a core element of the DDS-CAD philosophy and the basis for most integrated calculations. This chapter describes the internal structures and strategies for the development, processing and use of the building model.


Like a real building, also the DDS-CAD building model exists of multiple structural units. This chapter describes the content, meaning and classification of the overall concept.

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Create a building model

The building model is created either by importing a suitable IFC model or by manual construction in DDS‑CAD. This chapter describes two strategies for manual construction. The choice of strategy depends on the format of the floor plan provided

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Edit a building model

Many situations can force a change to the building model. In this chapter we describe the various functions using different examples.

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You can assign multiple rooms to a higher-level structure, regardless of their storey or area affiliation, and thus differentiate them from other rooms.

There are two functions with different emphases in DDS-CAD.

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Visualize complete building model

You can merge all storeys of the building in a common model or show individual models of other disciplines and storeys (ghosting). The main applications of the function are varied.

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