Help geometry with respect to a reference line

Group of geometric features and characters that are visible on the screen only. Help geometry will not be printed or exported. Use these functions to determine, for example, an intersection or to define a reference point. The various functions are divided into three different groups.

Extend as Help Line

The function generates a help line that acts identical to the selected reference line.


Normal Help Line

The function generates a perpendicular line to the active line. The final position can be specified by clicking .


Repeat Last Help Geometry


The operation is only possible when you have performed one of the function before:

  • Parallel Help Line (Dynamic)
  • Parallel Help Line

This function creates a parallel to the active line. The distance is defined by the previously executed operation .


Parallel Help Line (Dynamic)

This function creates a parallel to the active line. The distance is defined by clicking .


Parallel Help Line

This function creates a parallel to the active line. The distance is queried.


Parallel Lines

The function generates parallel help lines with equal intervals between the reference line and the next point to be determined.


Construct Circle Bounded by Geometry

The function creates a circle tangent between the selected geometric figure (e.g. between intersecting lines).
