Electrical - KNX

KNX in the distributor

The topic KNX has been redesigned. The changes in the distributor structure concern the selection and configuration of circuits. The are considered in its specific aspects here:

The KNX circuit layout in version 8 can unlock individual outputs of multiple actuators and use them as a single symbol at any position. The image shows an example:

First, the output channel D on page 1 was released from the existing circuit layout (1). Afterwards, the actor is added by using the function “KNX actor channels individual” and the symbol of output channel D was placed manually on page 4 (2).

For both the block symbol on page 1 and the single symbol on page 4 appears the cross-references, which refer to the position of the other symbol type. The cross-reference appears in turn as a hyperlink, allowing for fast navigation to the required pages (3).

The following videos show the process:

(1) Unlock output channels


(2) Help function add and using single symbols


(3) Cross-reference as navigation help