
Backup and archiving

Until version 7.3 the back-up manager consisted of various functions. Automatic archiving has been realized through the regular production of zip files, which required lots of disk space in case of certain project sizes.

With version 8 a new feature is developed that works according to the principle of a versioning tool. It no longer stores the complete project, but only the changes as of a certain time. The space requirement is reduced significantly. With the new feature, you can archive the in between states of your project at any time, add comments and restore them. You will also be protected against data loss that can occur due to hardware failures (such as a corrupt hard disk).

The automatic back-up function protects you against inadvertent program terminations, which will not affect this function. The back-up function runs independent in the back ground and is executed every 5 minutes.

The archive function


The backup functions

With automatic archiving, DDS-CAD check at each regular save, how much time has passed since the last backup (automatic or manual). In case more than an hour has passed, a new archive is saved automatically.


  • Activate Save automatically (recommended) (1).
  • Click Close. The dialog is closed. DDS-CAD runs the routine automatically in the background. Automatically archived in between states are recorded in the recovery list with the name "Auto Backup" and without comments.